Beauty of Digital Life :) ☺️

Good thing about internet or social media is, it never gets old.  Anytime you watch the video recorded for your beautiful moments of the life, you feel as fresh as you are there in the moment.  You look so beautiful, so handsome, so charming. You click the pictures of that, whenever you open, whenever you see, you are as fresh, as  charming, as beautiful, as handsome the way you were when the picture was clicked or the video was recorded. It never gets old, it is always fresh. If you are watching the video of your beautiful moments you feel same beauty and same emotions, you are always young and beautiful and handsome and strong in the video and in the photos. In real life when you are dancing you get tired, you get sweat, you get distracted, you feel stress sometimes to maintain the perfect scene or perfection but once you have recorded the video, you're out of it with all perfection and beauty.  Now you have perfect beautiful moments; this video will never get sweat, tiredness, stress to be perfect, to give the best performance as it is already given. Now you have stressless perfect moments which you see by the videos. That's the beauty about internet, digital media, photography and videos.


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