
Why Don't I Earn Money?

Why Don't I Earn Money?  We live interdependent life on the earth so there are 2 things always.  One is personal and one is in relationship to others.  Very first I wish to be authentic to myself.  For that I listen to myself and work towards,  to live the life which I find genuine to myself.  Then it comes to others.  We are all unique so we all can't live same life but when it comes to collective or interdependent life we should adopt collectively a model which allow each one to live authentic life.  And that model is Gift Economy. People should understand why we have 1000s of unsolved problems in the world and they are getting even worst.  My work is creating awareness among them.  And allow them to decide. On my persona level,  I stopped earning money is being authentic to myself to what I understand best of my research of life and my desire. It may inspire others and may not.  It may create big difference in society or may be nothing.  But it is harmless personal choice.

Glimpse of Love Based World

  Gift Economy! The w orld is getting complex.  It may seem advanced, but in reality it is creating unlimited problems in all directions that we are really helpless to find the right solutions for. We need a social reform that brings a new kind of system where we can easily get solutions for almost every kind of problem. After a long search through world history, I have found that the only option for us is Gift Economy. Gift Economy is gradually spreading through this world, so let's create it.  Many people of this world are trying to make this new way of living possible in various ways, and they identify it as Moneyless World, Gift World, Gift Economy, Love Based Economy, Gift culture, Giftivism, Sharing World, Resource Based Economy, etc. Consider a world where there is no money.  You have free transportation, education, health, sports, food, and entertainment. Everything is cost-free. You go to the market and you can have anything you want; you get what you want but there is no

Freedom, Awareness and Discipline

  लोग हमेशा  स्वतंत्रता ( freedom ) का गलत मतलब निकालते  है।    बिना अनुशासन के स्वतंत्रता ज्यादा देर नहीं टिकती।  और अनुशासन आता है जागृति  से  ।  हम क्या कर रहे है, क्यों कर रहे है, और कैसे करना है इन बातो की   जागृति   से बनता है अनुशासन  ।   समजो की एक सैन्य लड़ रहा है, जिनमे स्वतंत्रता है पर  अनुसाशन   नही,  तो जिसको जो चाहे वहा  लड़ने जा रहा है;  क्या होगा परिणाम? आप सायद एक दो विरोधी  सैन्य के लोगो को मार भी दो पर क्यों की आप बिना अनुसाशन के सुगठित  नहीं,  सामने वाला लस्कर आप को बहोत आसानी से मार गिरायेगा ।   आप की  स्वतंत्रता  बहोत जल्दी खत्म हो गयी ।सोचो   आप अनुशासित हो;  आप जानते हो कब एक साथ वार करना है; कोनसी जगह पे ज्यादा और कोनसी जगह पे कम खतरा है कौन  आगे चलेगा  कौन  पीछे ।  वही तरीके से ( अनुशासित  होकर ) काम कर रहे हो तो आप की जीत की संभावनाए कई गुना बढ़ जाती है ।   दुश्मन सामने आ जाये तो आप स्वतंत्र हो आप को जो ठीक लगे वो तरीके से आप उसको गिरा दो;  एक गोली मारो,  या दस, आप तय करो ।   जितने से वो मरता है वो आप तय करो और ठोक दो ।   आप स्वतंत्र  हो यहाँ पर।    आपका घर है आ

I Don’t Own My Thoughts

 I don’t own my thoughts.  There is something under which we are operated. I name it Nature. When I say these are my thoughts, I must own them. So I know how kind of thoughts I have in me and I present it to you what I wish to. But wait, I know my thoughts, right?  Am I sure about what I am going to think next morning? No, 100% no. It is not in my hand. Even if I plan, I am not sure. In the next morning, I sit with my plan of thinking something, and I can't think it properly or suddenly something new and different pop up in my mind which I never thought it before. From where did it come? Do I know? No. I don’t know. Each day we get new thoughts and we don’t know its source. When it came from somewhere and I don’t know its source, it was not in me. I didn’t know that thought earlier. So how can I say I own that thought? I don’t own that thought. Each new thought comes to us randomly, so we have no any kind of control on it. There are 3 possible ways we get new thoughts.  1. No tri

Story of Rain of Gold Coins

There is an old story in which a person suffered from lack of money tries to please the God and he was successful doing it. God appears to him and asked him the purpose. He asked to have rain of Gold Coins for his personal prosperity. God agrees and blessed him for that. Shower of Gold Coins started in his house. He collected as many coins as he can but when gold coins keep raining beyond his capacity to hold or gather them, he informed his relatives; all of his relatives gathered all those. Even then there was a rain of gold coins so he informed to his village people. Even rain was continued so long, many other village people gathered the gold coins, too. After being tired of this event, finally he pleased God again and requested to stop the rain. And rain stopped. Now he went to shop to buy the things he needed in his house by using this cold coins as a currency. But nobody accepted those gold coins as each one had more than enough such coins. Everybody wants to fulfill their bas

राष्ट्रवाद की दीवार के उस पार

'वाद' कुछ ऐसी बात है जिसमे हम सिर्फ हमारा ही श्रेष्ठ और दूसरो का हमसे हिन् ऐसा मानते व वर्तते है. ऐसे कितने ही वाद में हम उल्जे हुए है. जैसे की राष्ट्रवाद, प्रदेशवाद, जातिवाद, भाषावाद, धर्मवाद, ईश्वरवाद. ऐसा दरेक वाद संकुचितता है. सबसे बड़ा वाद है राष्ट्रवाद. राष्ट्रवाद कहता है, मेरा देश सबसे महान है, उसको प्रेम करो और उसको समर्पित हो जाओ. प्राथमिक रूप से हमको लगता है की हम सबके हित की बात कर रहे है. पर हम पूरी पृथ्वी के लोगोको नहीं पर सिर्फ हमारे देशकी सीमाके अंदर रहे लोगो को ही ध्यान में ले रहे है. हम दूसरा तर्क ये करते है की हम पूरी दुनिया के लोगो का हित नहीं कर शकते सिर्फ अपने देश के लोगो का ही हित कर शकते है और उनसे जुड़ शकते है. तो वहा तक ही ठीक है. इस तर्कको भी मर्यादा है. हम देशके सवा अबज लोगोमें से कितने लोगोको सही रूपमें मिल शकते है और उनका भला कर शके है ? ज्यादातर हम जिस ग़ाव, नगर व् शहरमें या जिस प्रदेशमें रहते है उसके कुछ लोगोको वास्तविक रूपमें मिल शकते है और उनको अपना बना शकते है, उनका भला कर शकते है. फिर भी हम पूरा भारत देश मेरा है और उसके सभी लोग मेरे भाई बहन ऐ

Beyond the wall of Nationalism

'Ism' is a thing in which we believe and behave as ours is the best and others are inferior. We are stuck in many such issues like nationalism, regionalism, racism, languageism, religionism, godism. Each such issue is a narrow mindedness. The biggest issue is nationalism. My country is the best in nationalism, love and devote to it. At primary level it seems that we talk about the interests of all the people of the world in nationalism, but in reality we are talking about the interests of the people of the inner circle of our country instead of the whole of the world's interest. We argue secondly that we can’t do good to the people of the whole world. We can do good for only people of our country or join with them, so to think on that extent is right. There is a limit to this argument. Can we really do good for more than one billion people of this country, or can we get them? We can only do good to some people living in our village, town, city or our region that we ca

वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम पत्रिका + Audio and Video Links

  प्रेम आधारित समाज  रचना - Gift Economy वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम ( विश्व एक कुटुंब है ) वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम इस वाक्य को काफी लोग इस्तेमाल करते है पर कितने लोग सही में इसके मूल अर्थ को समजते है? कुछ लोग तो बिना समजे इस पर लम्बा भाषण भी देते है. वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम जो की मूल संस्कृत वाक्य है . ऋषि मुनिओने १००० साल से ज्यादा समय पहले इस विचार को या इस भावना को प्रस्तुत  किया था. यह भावना/विचार के अनुरूप लोग जिए और उसके आधारित समाज रचना बने तो ही इस जगतमे कायमी तौर पे सुख बना रहे गा .   पूरा विश्व एक कुटुंब की तरह कैसे जिए यह समजने के लिए जरुरी बातों को एक आदर्श कुटुंब की व्यवस्था की मदद से समजते है.     १. कुटुंब मे हर कोई अपना होता है : इस विश्वमे हम हमारे छोटे कुटुंब को छोड़कर किसीको भी अपना नहीं मानते. अपने कुटुंब और समाज की और से सीधा या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से हमें दूसरो को अपने नहीं मानने का सिखाया जाता है. यह मेरा, वह तेरा ऐसे स्पष्ट भेद दिखाए जाते है. ऐसे ही दुसरे अनेक प्रकार के भेद हमको समजाए जाते है, जैसे की, जातिवाद, ईश्वरवाद, धर्मवाद, प्रदेशवाद, राष्ट्रवाद वगेरह. में सिख हु, व

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1.  Gift Economy English 2. हिंदी पुस्तक यहां से फ्री डाउनलोड करें :   Gift Economy Hindi 3. ગુજરાતી પુસ્તક અહીંથી ફ્રી ડાઉનલોડ કરો :   Gift Economy Gujarati 4.  Sacred Economics   5.  Moneyless Menifesto   6.  Gift Economy by XGEN XANTHOSE EARTHKEEPERS 7. पत्रिका -  Leaflets (  English / हिंदी /  ગુજરાતી  )

Science can neither be good nor can be bad.

Science is not a stuff. It is just understanding of the reality or natural laws or how things works in this universe. So it can neither be right nor can be wrong. Land absorbes hest faster and releases  heat faster whereas water absorbes heat slowly and releases it slowly so based on it pressure difference is created between sea and land and that creates wind flow from higher pressure to lower pressure side. To know this, is science. So it is just understanding of how things works around you or in the universe.  Everyday you use water. At 0℃ water becomes ice. You got to know that. You understood that. Means you got the science of water.  Someone discovered or come to know that if you move metal in the magnetic field, it generates electricity in the metal. So people made electricity generator from it, placed it in the flow of water to rotate it's shaft, generated electricity from it, which lightes up your house bulb to give you light at night. Someone discovered that the nuclear

Rule, Law and Understanding

" Rule, Law and Understanding " How any system or procedure will run is called rule. And if that rule can’t be changed forever, we call it law. It means there is chance to make changes in rules but not in laws. So each law is rule but rule is not law. In normal transactions, we form rules for good management. And we change those rules as per the change in situation. And there is understanding but no compulsion in rules. If it becomes obligation it becomes law. We all play one or another game. Let’s consider the cricket. Cricket has particular rules of playing cricket. Like, 1 over will have 6 balls, 11 players, pitch size, style of ball, total overs and many more. And we all know that kids play cricket in streets also. According to that street situation and total players, they form their own rules of the game. Beyond the boundary of particular house there will be 4 runs. If it touches to particular wall, there will be fixed 2 runs; 1 bounce catch is valid, if it touch