I Don’t Own My Thoughts

 I don’t own my thoughts. 

There is something under which we are operated. I name it Nature. When I say these are my thoughts, I must own them. So I know how kind of thoughts I have in me and I present it to you what I wish to. But wait, I know my thoughts, right?  Am I sure about what I am going to think next morning? No, 100% no. It is not in my hand. Even if I plan, I am not sure. In the next morning, I sit with my plan of thinking something, and I can't think it properly or suddenly something new and different pop up in my mind which I never thought it before. From where did it come? Do I know? No. I don’t know. Each day we get new thoughts and we don’t know its source. When it came from somewhere and I don’t know its source, it was not in me. I didn’t know that thought earlier. So how can I say I own that thought? I don’t own that thought. Each new thought comes to us randomly, so we have no any kind of control on it.

There are 3 possible ways we get new thoughts. 

1. No triggers :

We sit intention less or idle or empty or mediating and new thought pops up. I have written article by this way. I went to bed tried to sleep but my mind kept working, I got new thoughts and  I started writing. 

2. Forceful trigger or attempt : 

Sometimes we decide the subject and start thinking on it intentionally, we force ourself to think on it  and we keep trying until we can write something. But in this process so many times we get satisfactory thoughts and sometimes not. Many times, on the same subject we get thoughts when we least expect at that time. 

3. Trigger by reading or discussion or incidence: 

When we read or discuss something with others, it creates a base for new thoughts. When I read or discuss something, it keeps revolving inside my mind and it generates new thoughts in me.  My most of the thoughts have come from this way. What I am writing now it looks fresh to me but it has base of a philosophical discussion to a friend 1 day before. That earlier discussion triggered these thoughts in me this morning. Sometimes,  something new or schoking happen or you are travelling and see some different kinds of things and it triggers thoughts in you. In my early stage of life ( teenager and 20s ) my most of the thoughts were initiated this way.

Again each time, it comes from unknown source. Where is that source?  Some people say it is Universal Consciousness, some say it is Subconscious Mind, I name it Nature, someone may name it something else. But again, we have not full control on it. If we had that full control on it, we can write a book on any subject whenever we wish to. Or we know that we have these many thoughts in me, no more, no less. I can’t think beyond this. Just like fixed storage in Hard Disk. Fixed data. But it is not like that for us. We are not fixed in that manner. We are open and some unknown source puts new thoughts in us almost daily. So,  I don't own my thoughts. I am just a carrier.  I just carry which is given to me. I own one thing and that is just intention. I can put my intention to have particular type of thoughts. 

Sometimes we think my these thoughts I got from myself but in reality we have read so many books,  heard so many people and we are cocktail of all those thoughts and from that we get some particular thought and we think it is my thinking. 

** I can’t put copywrite on something which I don’t own primarily. I can’t sell something which is not mine.






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